If you are still looking for proof that quantity and quality need not be mutually exclusive in the case of composing geniuses, you will find plenty here. Listening and discovering is pure pleasure, wrote FonoForum when the first part of Telemanns cantatas of the French Year was released on cpo. And Vol. 2 of our large-scale and unbelievably exciting project with the worlds first complete recording of a complete vintage of 72 large-scale church cantatas by Georg Philipp Telemann (Frankfurt 1714 / 15) again does justice to these statements. This time, on 2 albums, cantatas for Laetare (Sunday of the Dead), Oculi (Sunday of Lent), Easter and the 22nd to 24th Sundays after Trinity can be heard, depending on the occasion with different musical means of expression and very expressive. It is this ingenuity, this astonishing imagination, which accounts for Telemanns special status - today as well as during his lifetime. Worth discovering, not only for Telemann fans!2023/1/6 発売
CD / BGV / NTVM Music Library ドラマBGM63 / VPCD-86841
▼CD / ホレス・シルヴァー / シルヴァー・セレナーデ (UHQCD) (限定盤) / UCCQ-9739[10/23]発売
【中古】[CD]J.S. バッハ:無伴奏チェロ組曲(全曲)
【中古】[CD]スーパー・ユーロビート Vol.75
【国内盤CD】【新品】Cante / CLOSE...
【送料無料】 CD / WANIMA / Cheddar Flavor
CD / キース・ジャレット・トリオ / スタンダーズ Vol.1 (UHQCD) (解説付/紙ジャケット) (限定盤) / UCCE-9391