Gaara leads the Fourth Company into battle against the previous Kage, including his own father. Meanwhile Naruto and Killer Bee face the reanimated Itachi Uchiha, who recognizes Narutos growth as a shinobi and his potential to rescue his brother, Sasuke, from his path of vengeance. Kabuto assumes control of Itachi to use his Mangekyo Sharingan, but Itachis well of power is not yet drained. Battles rage, and all must face enemies-as well as friends-they never expected to see again!こちらのDVDはリージョン=1の輸入盤DVDです。リージョン=フリーのDVDプレイヤーでない場合、再生できない可能性があります。
コメント:Gaara leads the Fourth Company into battle against the previous Kage, including his own father. Meanwhile Naruto and Killer Bee face the reanimated Itachi Uchiha, who recognizes Narutos growth as a shinobi and his potential to rescue his brother, Sasuke, from his path of vengeance. Kabuto assumes control of Itachi to use his Mangekyo Sharingan, but Itachis well of power is not yet drained. Battles rage, and all must face enemies-as well as friends-they never expected to see again!
【バーゲンセール】全巻セット【送料無料】【中古】DVD▼HiGH&LOW(6枚セット)SEASON1、SEASON2 レンタル落ち ケース無
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